Welcome to the articles section of the site! Take a look around and see what you find. There’s something here for everyone, basic through to advanced, and I’m always looking for more ideas for articles to add so don’t be shy about suggesting new ones.
All of these are written assuming that you’re going to follow them through. They’re interactive, and will make much more sense if you’re not just reading through without actually pushing the buttons at the same time. So, your kit list is:
- A copy of Lightroom. Duh. If you don’t have it yet, go download the demo from Adobe so you’ve got something to play with.
- Some photos, already imported into Lightroom and ready to go. Photos which have metadata (i.e. come from a digital camera) are most useful, but with a few exceptions most of the articles are just as valid for scanned photos with no data.
- Half an hour to an hour spare time to read and follow each article.
A note from your Mum won’t cut the mustard, I’m afraid.
What I want to do here is to help provide a real understanding of not just what to do, but why to do it. There are no “cookbook” tutorials here, telling you to do things one way or another because that’s best. The real power of Lightroom is in its flexibility. In Lightroom there’s almost always more than one way to skin any photographic cat, and just because I prefer one way doesn’t mean that you will agree. My aim is to explain how it works, why it works that way and then to let you make up your own mind about how to go forward.
So, these articles are really just the beginning. I hope you enjoy them; I hope you find them challenging, too, otherwise you’re not really learning. Stick with them and with any luck you’ll find that you begin to see possibilities in Lightroom that you never knew were there.
Welcome to “Learn to Lightroom”.